- dredged up bitter memories. 挖掘苦涩的记忆
- His visit churned up bitter memories. 他的来访激起了痛苦的回忆。
- The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river. 警方从浑浊的河水中捞出包裹。
- The picture dredged up the sad facts of his past. 这幅画使他想起伤心的往事。
- Behind us lay bitter memories of what midwinter was like. 过去隆冬的情景给我们留下痛苦的回忆。
- Those bitter memories haunt him frequently. 那些悲苦的往事时常浮现他的脑海。
- The excavators have dredged up nothing but mud. 发掘者只挖出了一些泥。
- I felt uncomfortable in the suit I had dredged up to wear. 穿着那套已经弄干净的衣服,我只觉得浑身不自在。
- And behind them lay bitter memories of what preliberation life was like. 他们有着解放前生活的痛苦回忆。
- Why try to dredge up the sad facts of the past? 过去的伤心事何必重提呢?
- He dredged up vague memories. 他模模糊糊地回忆起往事来。
- The wreckage of a wooden ship was dredged up from the harbour bottom. 木船的残骸从港口水底打捞出来。
- Now she was dredging up memories from the depths of her mind. 这时,她回忆起内心深处的往事。
- Unfortuenatelly, it is easy enough for anyone to dredge up bad memories. 不幸的是,任何一个人勾起不好的的回忆总是很容易。
- Something that could eradicate bitter memories and offer opportunities for power and status far beyond anything they now enjoyed. 他们要根除痛苦的记忆并且为得到权力以及远远超越现有的身份所能得到东西提供某种机会。
- With bitter memories of the Hillarycare debacle, Big Pharma and the insurance industry certainly do not want Hillary Clinton as president. “希拉里保健”改革法案功垂成败。毋庸置疑,笼罩在溃败阴云之下的大制药企业及保险业公司并不希望希拉里当选美国总统。
- The latter will be silly since it will put your job at risk, and since by obsessing about him you'll end up bitter and boring - an old git, in fact. 挑选后者是愚蠢的,因该这将使你面临失去打工的危险,同时,由于你整天思考他的疑难题目,你最终将变得尖刻、令人厌烦--成了唯一真正的老蠢货。
- The carbon is created by helium fusion near the stellar core and dredged up into the stars' outer layers. 恒星核附近的氦融化之后,流到恒星的外表层就形成了碳。
- The oyster was dredged up from the sea off Plymouth, in Devon, and sold at the city's fish market. 这只牡蛎是从英国德文郡普利茅斯市的外海拉网捕捞所得,然后又在该市海鲜市场上卖给了兰德尔。
- The latter would be silly because it will put your job at risk, and because by obsessing about him you'll end up bitter and boring - an old git, in fact. 选择后者是愚蠢的,因为这将使你面临失业的危险,同时,由于你整天思考他的问题,你最终将变得尖刻、令人厌烦--成为一个真正的老蠢货。